Open Journal for the Pacific Northwest
My Word! is an open journal for the Pacific Northwest. It provides writers the opportunity to publish writing that best represents their work.
Most publications will only publish writing that fits their market. My Word! turns this around and publishes works that fit their writers.
The Journal
Open My Word! here.
To qualify for inclusion in My Word! the writer must request membership.
Submissions to the journal must be 5,000 words or less. They may be fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
Submissions should be written in English, using accepted English grammar free from typos. They should relate to the theme of "the right (something)", as interpreted by the writer. This is the right person, place, thing, thought, or other concept.
Submissions will be included unless, in the opinion of the journal's editorial board, they would be unacceptable for general publication. Works that use excessive or eggregious profanity or include hate speech will be rejected. Submissions over the word limit or that don't fit any of the categories above may be accepted on approval of the editorial board.
Submit Your Work
To request membership or submit a story to My Word! send it to the following address attached as a PDF, along with an e-mail address and phone number to contact the author.
Send your submission to: