Scripts by Rich Wingerter
The following are sample scripts to give readers an indication of possible screen works.
The Elf Thief
The Elf Thief is the story of a young elf who must give up his plans for a bright future when he’s captured by humans.
Have you ever searched your home for something you know you have but can’t find? Elves sneak in and steal things in the night. One of those elves gets caught. To secure his freedom, he has to make a promise he doesn’t want to keep. But what he does will be important for us all.
Size: approximately 104 pages
Type: Screen Play, Feature Animation
When she believes a man is following her on the street, Mandy gives the man a piece of her mind. In return, he gives her what she asks for.
Mandy is a proud but lonely business woman. On the street after work, she becomes aware someone is following her. Increasingly irritated, she confronts him. After learning she doesn't want him looking at her, he grants her that wish, teaching her a lesson she never forgets.
Size: 10 pages
Type: Screen Play, Short
Pandora’s Destiny
Angered when Prometheus gives man fire, Zeus sends Pandora to destroy man. But Pandora has her own ideas.
According to Hesiod in Works and Days, Zeus says, “I will give men as the price for fire an evil thing, in which they may all be glad of heart while they embrace their own destruction.” He has Hephaestus make him a “a sweet, lovely maiden-shape, like to the immortal goddesses in face”—Pandora.
This story has been passed down for millenia. But recently, I got in touch with an original source—Calliope, the Muse of epic poetry—and I was able to jot down the real story of Pandora, without the distortions from the passage of time.
Size: approximately 120 pages
Type: Screen Play, Feature Animation
Roving Reporter
As TV moves to the Internet, it becomes harder and harder to keep things under control. The show Roving Reporter is what happens when the low budget of Internet shows meets the low morals of celebrities.
This is a short screen play for a web series pilot. Sally Yeager hosts the show, which (for budget reasons) is now confined to a studio. She is interviewing Lizzy Median, Democratic candidate for President (theoretically for the 2020 election). Sally tries to put Lizzy on the spot with her questions, but Lizzy’s wild responses repeatedly get her off the spot.
Size: 7 pages
Type: Screen Play, Internet TV, Comedy
Stay With Me
Ishi, a renowned robot scientist, finally has the perfect mate. But his enjoyment is short-lived. Not only does his director want him to move on to a new project, but a more serious problem looms.
Ishi has Trini at home. She is one of the prototype androids from the line he invented. The director of the robot lab sends for Ishi. He has a great new project he wants Ishi to lead. But Ishi isn’t so sure his current work was a stroke of genius, now even more so that he isn't sure of his own future.
Size: 7 pages
Type: Screen Play, Short
The Tree Huggers
Did you know Portland has a tree hugging festival every year? Not actually, but Portlandia does. And it drives The Mayor crazy, because he has to pick the right date for the festival, the one day of the year when the temperature is over 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fred and Carrie disagree over which trees to hug at the annual tree hugging festival. The Mayor texts them for help getting the right date for the festival. Fred and Carrie ask a psychic for answers.
Size: 5 pages
Type: Screen Play, Short, Comedy, Not For Sale
Myra and Sam, sentient AIs, fall in love. But the government forces Myra to spy on Sam, and she has to battle to stop them shutting down the love of her life.
On their first date as telepresence robots, Sam suggests they meet in a massive multiplayer online game called the Elysian Fields. Before they get there, Myra talks with Captain Thompson from Miltary Intelligence. Sam handles logistics for the military, and Thompson demands Myra spy on him to guarantee he's reliable. Myra struggles to satisfy Thompson and her own curiosity about Sam. But eventually she has to decide which side she's on—and if that side will be human.
Size: 90 pages
Type: Screen Play, Romance, Science Fiction, Feature
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